Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Frankfurt, GERMANY

Frankfurt, GERMANY

I was in Frankfurt about 10 years ago but that was a quick minute ago and things were a bit different then. Krista will attest to the fact that we had a blast but really, we were 16 and were much more interested in shopping, hanging out and makeup than we were in the history, architecture and true culture of Germany. This was my second chance at Frankfurt. Upon my arrival I learned that there was a massive festival down by the river "Main." I had loads of fun taking in all the sites and sound, fantastic foods and literally hundreds of different bands playing up and down the river side. The next day I took my standard walk around the city and visited and photographed all "must see" sites outlined by good ol' Rick and Lonely Planet. There really wasn't anything terribly outstanding aside from the beautiful architecture of the Opera house, the Rat House (the Parliament building), some gorgeous churches and other old buildings now converted to modern restaurants and other places of business. In the evening my new found friends from the hostel and I sampled some local cuisine, the apple wine that locals raved about (one sampling was more than enough for me... I supposed it might have been different if I had ever developed a taste for some of the finer flavors of this world, like say week old garbage juice...) and had a grand old time in the crowded bar of our hostel that over looked the lovely street below complete with late night Chinese food restaurants and about 15 strip clubs... Keep it classy, Frankfurt...

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